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Audit & Assurance

Our trade. Your security.

We offer you our expertise and wide-ranging experience, by tailoring “à la carte” audit and assurance services to your needs. PKF Wirtschaftsprüfung AG is a state supervised audit company (Licence No. 500498) and can therefore cover the whole range of assurance services. Since the majority of our customers are SMEs or form part of international groups, we are experts in both limited and ordinary audits.

We offer to work in partnership with you, always with an eye to the future. Rather than merely auditing your annual financial statement, we regard ourselves as your partner. As such we discuss the risks we have identified with you and show you how you can optimize your position, taking into account business management, legal and tax issues.


Our range of assurance and audit services includes:

  • Limited audits
  • Ordinary audits
  • Audit of equal salary analysis
  • Review (PS 910)
  • Audit and review of reporting packages (Swiss Code of Obligations, Swiss GAAP FER, IFRS, HGB, etc.)
  • Transitions from one accounting standard to another
  • Agreed-upon procedures (PS 920)
  • Producing financial statements / annual accounts (PS 930)
  • Auditing and drawing up annual and consolidated financial statements in accordance with any legal standard (Swiss Code of Obligations, Swiss GAAP FER and IFRS)
  • Special audits in accordance with the Swiss Mergers Act
  • Audits of qualified start-ups
  • Audits of recapitalizations and capital reductions
  • Due diligence support
  • Data analysis
  • General business consulting

You can find an overview of the types of audit in Switzerland here. You will also be able to see whether we are permitted to offer you additional services alongside audit services, or whether that is prohibited for reasons of independence.


 Expert Suisse