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Publications - 2020-12-01

Corona und grenzüberschreitende Arbeitsverhältnisse

Leider zeigt die aktuelle Situation, dass sich die Arbeitswelt noch eine Weile mit der Corona-Pandemie beschäftigen muss. Gerade in grenzüberschreitenden Arbeitsverhältnissen wirft dies viele Fragen auf und es lohnt sich, einen Blick auf die arbeits- und steuerrechtlichen Themen zu werfen.

Publications - 2020-10-23

Quellensteuerrevision 2021

Ab dem 1. Januar 2021 treten die umfangreichen gesetzlichen Änderungen aufgrund der Quellensteuerrevision in Kraft. Die Eidgenössische Steuerverwaltung (ESTV) hat diesbezüglich zusammen mit den Kantonen das Kreisschreiben Nr. 45 (KS45) über die Quellenbesteuerung des Erwerbseinkommens von Arbeitnehmern ausgearbeitet.

Publications - 2020-10-01

Wage equality analysis

Here you will find our newest flyer regarding the review of the wage equality according to the new equality act from 1 July 2020.

Publications - 2020-07-27

Worldwide Tax Guide 2020/21

The PKF Worldwide Tax Guide 2020/21 is an annual publication that provides an overview of the taxation and business regulation regimes of the world's most significant trading countries.

Publications -2020-03-26

Newsletter: COVID-19-Short-time work compensation, state: 20.03.16

The Federal Council re-classified the situation in Switzerland as an "extraordinary situation" according to the Epidemics Act. All shops, restaurants, bars as well as entertainment and leisure facilities will be closed until 19 April 2020. Excluded are, among other things, grocery stores and health facilities.

Publications -2020-02-01

March 2020 Newsletter

In this first quarterly issue for 2020, the PKF Worldwide Tax Update newsletter again brings together notable tax changes and amendments from around the world, with each followed by a PKF commentary which provides further insight and information on the matters discussed. PKF is a global network with 400 offices, operating in over 150 countries across our 5 regions, and its tax experts specialise in providing high quality tax advisory services to international and domestic organisations in all our markets.

Publications -2019-10-18

December 2019 Newsletters

In this 2019 fourth quarterly issue, the PKF Worldwide Tax Update newsletter brings together notable tax changes and amendments from around the world, followed by a PKF commentary. This provides further insight and information on the matters discussed.

Publications -2019-07-19

PKF International Worldwide Tax Guide 2019-20

The PKF Worldwide Tax Guide 2019/20 (WWTG) is an annual publication that provides an overview of the taxation and business regulation regimes of the world's most significant trading countries. This year’s edition comprises 140 jurisdictions.

Publications -2019-07-15

September 2019 Newsletters

In this third 2019 quarterly issue, the PKF Worldwide Tax Update newsletter brings together notable tax changes and amendments from around the world...

Publications -2019-06-01

A1 certificate for cross-border work

Cross-border working by employees and self-employed people is becoming increasingly common as part of the growing trend for globalisation. The Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons (AFM) between Switzerland and the EU member states, which came into force on 1 June 2002, guarantees free movement within the signatory countries for Swiss and EU citizens. The same rules apply to citizens of EFTA countries.
